The pain in the lumbar region of the back – it is extremely common. The palaeontologists and biologists believe that it is the result of such evolutionary acquisition, such as standing.
The main causes of the
We can distinguish two groups of causes can contribute to the onset of pain in the lumbar region.
The diseases of the spine and the internal organs
The pain can occur due to congenital abnormalities or acquired disease.
Thus, congenital anomalies, in particular, are the following:
- the changes and the crevices of the vertebrae;
- the irregular shape of the shoots vertebrae, shortening or lengthening.
The crevices of the vertebrae: 1,2 rear, 3,4-lateral, 5-7-before
These problems can be completely asymptomatic or accompanied by an acute pain when performing certain types of slopes, the complexity of the movement, problems with urination, mental retardation.
The causes of back pain can have neurological character:
- interference to the nerves of the spine (we can characterize such a pain that a strong and sudden);
- lumbar osteochondrosis, which develops due to sedentary and a sedentary lifestyle and causes a printer from pain due to the muscular fatigue;
- sciatica, characterized by atrophic changes of the sciatic nerve (most often pain when the disease goes on to the buttock, occurs dramatically and suddenly).
- multiple sclerosis (this chronic, autoimmune disease hits envelope the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord, causes pain of different localization, and expression of the difficulty of the healing).
In addition, a strong pain of this nature may also cause:
- degenerative of the sacroiliitis — a serious disease, which represents the gnojno-inflammatory on the surface of the articulation sacro-iliac joint;
- osteoporosis, due to the lack of calcium in the body, or of the violation of the exchange (in the initial stages of the disease is characterized by chronic sore the aches, the cramps, the change in the posture).
Another type of pain in the lumbar — pain, reflected the nature.
They can speak a very characteristic symptom of several diseases of different organs and systems:
- infections of the urinary tract (chlamydia, ureaplasma);
- instability of the gut and GASTROINTESTINAL cancers;
- hemorrhoids, resulting from sedentary work;
- tumors and polyps in the uterus;
- complications after colds (after a sore throat, the flu, SARS);
- radiculitis (cause the back pain, smack in the leg).
In some cases, the cause may be:
- the physiological changes (pregnancy, childbirth, the menstrual period;
- excessive physical activity (in particular, the transport of heavy loads);
- the high weight gain;
- the epidural anesthetic.
What are the diseases and conditions sore lower back?
The causes of pain in men

Lower back pain in men can have different etiology and are characterized by their distinctive characteristics.
Age and hormonal changes have little impact on the men of the vertebral column, but often problems with the prostate gland can cause of the most conspicuous features waves of pain.
The main causes of pain in the lumbar vertebrae in men are:
The stretching of the muscles
Often, people do not take part in the nature of their activity, physical work, have the weakness of the muscles of the back, especially the latissimus dorsi is a muscle.
The ability to spread the physical load, you need to produce.
When you lift weights, gross people all the weight affects the lower back, and not on the biceps, triceps, or chest muscle. The consequence of this is the stretching of the latissimus dorsi.
When the traction of the pain occurs, it occurs in lowering when the warm compresses, heating ointments.
She can do know if long standing, and spend a while lying on the back.
The fracture
The cause of the fracture can become a serious injury, and banal prejudices.
During the amendment of the provisions disc herniation fracture of the lumbar spine can even cause a bad step, or loss of balance.
The symptom of a fracture is acute pain in the lower back or in the coccyx.
Sometimes, the pain can pass on the lower limbs, intensified during the change of the position of the body.
Metastatic tumor of the genital organs
The pain of bone metastasis of the spine is the highest, sometimes by passing the intolerable.
The visit with the oncologist that can't wait, when it hurts the kidneys and the testicles or the penis.
Similar to the pain it is possible to only withdraw from powerful drugs, the process of necrotic change in the tissues will stop likely to fail.
The kidney disease
Approximately one-third of male patients with low back pain suffer from kidney problems.
The pain in the region of the kidneys is enhanced during movements and long-term presence in the vertical position. At rest, the pain subsides.
If long standing, the pain may gradually increase.
It is because of this that the liquid rushes to the kidneys and creates excess pressure on the spine.
After alcohol, the back pain may also intensify.
This disease causes lower back pain to right and back. Sometimes, the pain radiating from the groin.
Other symptoms of prostatitis are a burning sensation during urination, erection problems.
The main reason of the disease is the stagnation of the blood in the capillaries, or a bacterial infection.
The causes of pain in women

The body of the woman is constantly subject to changes and hormonal jolts.
Some types of pain in the female body occur in the standard and are not a worrying sign.
The sensation of pain related to the menstrual cycle
Pain occurring at different times of the menstrual cycle, it is not necessary to show a sort of pathology:
- When the menstruation of the magnitude in the size of the uterus exerts a pressure on the back muscles, causing discomfort;
- If the pain occur before the month of 7 or 8 days, and give in the belly, indicating the need for a revision of the power mode. It is preferable to include in the diet foods rich in fiber and fruit acids.
- The pain in the middle of the cycle may be tied to the release of the oocyte;
- The pain after menstruation show the problems of the reproductive system, in this case, the need for a visit to a specialist.
The pain caused by the pregnancy
In the first few weeks, when the woman is not yet known on its position, it can hurt the lower back and abdomen. Such a pain by the nature of the recall premenstrual and often coincide with them on the deadlines.
The delay of the rules in this case, can talk to about the pregnancy or their process.
Sometimes there are small globs of selection, they are linked to the introduction of the ovum into the uterus.
If the aches in the lower abdomen and the kidneys, and menstruation is not, the first thing you need to do is a pregnancy test.
Often, these pains will be accompanied by a woman in a few months, in such cases, the doctor offers to take the drug with magnesium.
During pregnancy, especially on the last words, most of the women suffer from pain below or above the waist.
This is due to the fact that the belly is a great stress on the muscles of the back.
If the pain is constant and is related to the activity of the mother is necessary supports a jockstrap, which allows to distribute the load between different groups of muscles.
If the kidneys are sore during sleep and in the morning, probably a woman sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
Help can pillow special for the sleep, that support the body and prevent muscle tension. The lower back pain the night must pass.
At the end of the duration of the pain can concentrate in the lower back to the right or to the left: it is the evidence is not on the position of the fetus, and the curvature of the posture.
The pain may move on to a pregnant woman, when she is sitting, completely failed on the bracket.
After the abortion
Women who decide to terminate their pregnancy or have is medically necessary, in almost 100% of cases, complain of pain after the abortion.
Causes of pain can be:
- inflammation of the lining of the uterus (endometritis);
- the stress of the woman;
- the contraction of the uterus after the abortion.
During this pain can give to the leg or to concentrate in the lower back.
The pain associated with childbirth
After childbirth, women often experience pain in the back. Sometimes, the pain is localized there where the coccyx or the sacrum. This is due to injury, sprains, obtained during delivery.
Prevent pain can, do gymnastics spciale during pregnancy or to visit the swimming pool.
Breastfeeding moms can also perform a series of exercises, paying particular attention to their maintenance.
If the pain is accompanied by an elevation of temperature to 37 degrees and above, a woman casts abruptly into the fever, consult a doctor.
Perhaps, it is an infectious process.
The pain caused by the diseases of the female reproductive system
It is typically female disease, a symptom of low back pain, including:
This is an inflammation of the bladder, is more characteristic of women. Cystitis is easily treated and diagnosed.
Hand over analyses of urine to determine the presence of this disease, if during urination felt a burning sensation, pulls the lower back when the inclination of the front, the temperature of the body.
The infectious disease process in the vagina
A number of inflammation in women the causes of pain in the lying position on the stomach.
It may be candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis or viral disease.
These pains can also be a symptom of kidney damage.
An inflammation of the epididymis
If the women have pain in lower back and ovaries, you feel a burning sensation during urination, the temperature rose above 38 degrees, need an ULTRASOUND-the diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist (biting rate or the reception of the oral medications).
The pain associated with diseases of internal organs
The disease of the intestine or of the stomach can cause pain in the spine.
Sometimes, the pain in these disorders can be very radiate — to give to the leg or to give it in the belly.
Similar to a clinical picture related to the fact that the brain does not interpret correctly the signal, that serves him organs.
If the evil at the bottom of the back and the right side, this indicates a problem with the liver or the pancreas.The pain on the left shows a appendicitis or colic intestinal.
In the left side of the pain may occur during jogging or other physical exercises. It passes quickly and is not harmful for the health.
In the neighbourhood of the coccyx possible tingling and the traction of the pain.
What to do?
The use of ointments
This type of medication is very effective promptly, and if necessary to improve health in the home.

The ointment helps to relieve the inflammation, distension, an effect of preheating, if a cold on the kidneys.
There are groups of ointments:
- anti-inflammatory, analgesics (includes agents of the cooling action, to relieve the irritation — menthol, lavender, and analgesics);
- drug combination (applies when sprains and injuries, with the anti-inflammatory and analgesic have the healing effect is used in the composition of heparin, dimethylsulfoxide);
- preparations irritating (the effect is based on the expansion of blood vessels and a rush of blood to the source of the pain);
- chondroprotectors (one of the active components of these drugs is chondroitin sulfate is applied at the pathological in the cartilaginous tissue, to contribute to the assets of the restoration of the surfaces of the cartilage of the joints).
The injection
The action, which is done with the aid of injections, even to receive the corresponding ointments or oral medications.
The peculiarities of this type of treatment are:
- Speed. The rapid removal of severe pain can be only by the penetration of the drug in the blood or muscle.
- The effectiveness. The injections can deliver an active component to the exact objective. The active substance is not destroyed in the gastro-intestinal tract.
- The need of the presence of a specialist. You do injections yourself difficult, therefore, it is necessary or a daily visit to the polyclinic, or the call of the nurse to the house.
- Can be use on doctor's prescription. That to heal the discomfort and soreness of using injections can advise you as a doctor and to assign the preparation necessary. Buy most of them, you can only on prescription.
This method of getting rid of the pain rather refers to the means of traditional medicine.
The warm-up to help for the pain following the nature — sprains, hernias, contortion, osteochondrosis.
In such cases, it is recommended to commit up to 10 sessions per day.
During the process of heating produces a rush of blood to the affected site tissue and increases the pain.

Massage, excellent to help get rid of the back pain.
It is possible to entrust to a specialist in a clinic or go to the house, in all cases, the use of it will be invaluable.
Positive therapeutic effects of the massage are the following:
- the improvement of vascularization of the diseased part of the body;
- the kneading of muscles, which makes ligaments more flexible, and more elastic;
- withdrawal of acute pain;
- the issuance of the accumulation in the muscles and the subcutaneous tissue of toxins;
- pleasurable sensations due to the stimulation of the nerve endings in the skin;
- the positive emotions.
Well, when the massage is combined with the adoption of the bath or the sauna.
In particular, it is useful to take a steam bath brooms of birch or oak, they are perfectly stimulate all the processes of life and increases the tone of the body.